
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Under The Grip Of Mosquitoes.

Mosquitoes ,small in size but massive in menace, are a troublesome breed.
Many dreadful disease spread through mosquito bites.
The tropical countries nestle and rear mosquitoes so affably, that the tiny insects shower the people with amorous kisses .
The civic authorities ,pay no attention to this rampancy, that there is a violence of infection .
The viral ,thus transmitted , plays mayhem over its prey.
The infected complain of high temperature, muscle pain, dizziness and nausea.
The strain is alive for a week or even more.
Hospitals authorities are at a loss to handle the cases.
Each one has different symptoms.
The doctors prescribe a pain killer, an antibiotic and advise the patients to take lot of liquids, unsure of what to do. .
If only the municipalities have taken cautious steps well ahead of the havoc, thespread of illness could have been averted.

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