
Monday, November 9, 2009

Economy Playing Truant.

Economy has become the most interesting subject.
Science is a study of future.
Economy is a study of the past.
Science carries with it new inventions.
It is an innovative technology.
Economy deals with money market.
It is a real time study.
It finds nothing new.
Discoveries and inventions bring cheer.
Graphs and curves associated with economy usher growth.

Economy, the analysis of how money plays, how the currency reacts, how the financials rise or fall, is the most necessiated discipline.
Without money, nothing will move.

The recession experienced all these two years, looks very different from established fundamentals.
During down turn , usually. spending gets affected.
But there is a presence of high liquidity at this season.
Nowhere it is felt strongly than in commodities.
Gold has risen, Oil has gone up, consumer goods have sky rocketed.
This illustrates that there is excess liquidity.

On the other side of the fence there is double digit unemployment.
From where does the money come?
No one knows.

Economy is in no mood to listen to our grouses and grieveances.
It is marching ahead .
It is leaping in an horrible , profane gait.

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