
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bengaluru -Then And Now

Bengalaru, the garden city, is in the limelight for some reason or other, whether they connote good or bad indications.
The Silicon valley of Indis has grown at such large scale and hectic speed, that the city ,which was once a town for retired officials,has reached the stage of outpour or bust to put it in a slang dialect.
The small town,has expanded horizontally, vertically , encompassing a few kilometeres of extension areas under its sway.
The growth looks awesome. The charm of the city is lost in the maddening rush and dense population.
The morning hours were dotted with pleasent drizzle,and a mild cold , that it induced the then habitants ,the retired military men, to lie in peace.
The hot coffee brought by the mademosilles or cooks ,was a warm up for the plus sixties, that they sipped the hot beverage,while browsing through the newspapers.
The lush green lawns, the huge trees, the fauna and the foliage added mirth to the lousy lethargic city.
Today ,the early hours in Bengalaru ,is dark with fumes of rushing cars.
The hooting honks of the vehicles, the drawling noise of the buses, the dizzy headway rush by the software engineers , make Bengalru look like a ghastly city.
There is excess of carbon emission, enormous blarring noise, which emulate a diffident derailment.
Infosys, Wipro, IBM,HP. so on and so forth, with the attractive pay have developed a generation, which belong to no time and no place.
The lure for money , a culture nurtured by the soft ware companies ,has demoralised the society.
The cult ,much similar to Hare Rama, Hare Krishna movement, or more so akin to the Hippie culture, has devastated the society, by penetrating deeply into the established norms and accepted prescriptions.
This excess financial liberation has exuded a disastorous derangement, ranging from disobedience to divorce.
The beautiful city, once a haven of elated principles , is now a shelter to dwindling moral ethical standards.
The colonial buildings ,with their majestic demenaour now stand along with high rising concrete structures, with impunged deviations.

"The old order gives way to the new"

Monday, December 21, 2009

What would 2010 be?

The oncoming year holds a vast anticipation .
It will be a period of recovery.
There would be a definite improvement in the economy, a development in business , a flourish in the manufaturing industry,and a pleasant calibre would prevail over the people.

Well. the question that keeps on nudging us is will there be a sustainability?
The survival of the fittest ,the Darwins theory, gives us a clue to the upcoming events in the world of finance.
A sea of change is expected by the majority, which will reopen fresh pastures to the afflicted.
Again, the query will it ever happen?
Should we envisage a prosperous motivation, that would take us to the heights of glory?

The disturbance caused by the eventualities and casualities of 2008 and 2009,has created a tempestuous delusion in the minds of all.
A hesitation accompanies a decision.
The spur to determine an enthusiastic design is held back by the disenchantment realised in yester years.

Bernanke, Paulson, have deciphered a stimulus package to keep the economy alive.
The bail out was also ensued by countries like India, Japan to sustain the economy.
To an extent , the finance were rejuvenated.
Much has to be done to nurse back business to a desirable level.
Breaking their heads, crossing their fingers, twitching their eyebrows , the consortium of economists are brewing the broth to a paltable degree.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Make Doubly Sure.

Uncertainities do occur,
Infidelities do happen,
Irrationalities do recur,
Unusualities do deliver,
So make doubly sure.

Undermining do propel,
Derangement do propose,
Deferment do act,
Undulation do impose,
So make doubly sure.

Procrastination do hamper,
Indiscrimination do deduce,
Intervention do destruct,
Propoundity do induce,
So make doubly sure.

Propensity do claim
Inefficiency do affect,
Irregularity do attain,
Predetermination do detect,
So make doubly sure.

Little do we know,
Little do we understand,
Little do we experience.
Little do we stand,
So make doubly sure.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Enterprising Tendency

The killing instinct to create , to form , to run , and finally to lose is becomong a rarity.
The enterprising spirit is lost in the economic melt down.
The security, which is being extended, by jobs ,has initiated an attraction.
Many a skilful ,prospective entrepreneur ,takes the most traversed path , that o getting employed.

Billionaires are from the breed of entrepreneurs.
The successul bidder of employment assumes a fair scale of pay, a handsome bonus, and a lovely perquisite.
He remains satisfied with it
He never attempts to make millions or billions.

Bill gates would have not been what he is today, if he had settled in for a job.
Down the line , in India , the senior Ambani was working in a Petrol Bunk. He would have finally risen to be the manager of the company, if had faithfully stuck to his job.
Now the Ambanis are among the top billionaires according to Forbes.

The group of engineeres in Patni computers , would have made at the most a million in their career.
Now they have made a sweeping billion as promoters of Infosys.

These illustrate the success stories.

As each coin has two sides, this story is double edged.

Many a strong employee ,who would have been complacent with his high earnings, lost everything as soon he dabbled in business.
The Satyam episode is proof of such high handedness.

The beauty of any industry lies in its trustworthiness.
The loveliness of any employment is based on the principle of promise and integrity.

Billions or millions do not matter.
It is the ethics that go to make a vibrant flow of creation.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Raj Rajaratnam Charged.

Raj Rajaratnam and Cheiesi have been indicted .
They have made illegal profits of about $21 billion.
The insider trading information has reaped a bonanza to these two.
They have made good of the confidential leakage of tips.
They traded on materials , non public information pertaining to upcoming forecasts , mergers ,acquisitions and other business combinations.

The enterprising spirit was appreciated by all as a knack to earn money.
The tact has turned venomous.
The intricate manipulation has destroyed the integrity.
The business ethics has been thawarted by greed and deceit.

The overnight rich present an appealing and an appaling comfiture.
Many a straight forward businessman wonders at the vast accumulation of wealth of his colleague.
His slog and his hard work do not take him to the portals of abnormal wealth.
He does earn , but makes money moderately.
His profits are in proportion to his diligence.

The Rajaratnams and men like him spin wealth with a magic wand.
Their work culture is extremely contagious.
They burn the midnight lamp.
They make mental calculations.
They live up a hurried life style. The money falls in a down pour.
They excel in trading.They achieve sky reaching profits.
They wallow in wealth.
They dream of not tomorrow, but of the day, day, day after tomorrow.
They position themselves in such a way, that their brand rises up much to the awe of their counterparts.

We hear a sigh. We see an amazement. We experience a shrivelling mystical aura of sheer illumination ,which get radiated by these dazzling activists.
We curse ourselves of being non performers.
We degrade ourselves and cast a scorn , contemptuous look at our ignorance and lack of direction to make money.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Citi ,Wells Fargo, repay,

Citi group announced that it would repay $20 billion TARP funds,by selling securities
Wells Fargo has followed suit by declaring that it would pay back $25 billion TARP funds, after completing $10.4 billion common stock offering.

The repayment considerably reduces ,say to 75%U.S investment to bail out banks and would earn a healthy profit for the tax payer.$185 billlion out of $245 billion is slated to return.

The government assigning funds to Wells Fargo was highly unnecessary , according to Warren Buffet, the largest shareholder of the bank.

Wells Fargo was tantalised by the regulatory monitoring and irked by the undue interference.The present move will keep Uncle Sam out of the purview,thus its independent movement will not get affected.

The pay back schemes will keep the Fed at bay.
The banks get deregulated.
Their liberty is high sounding and the freedom they would enjoy would be remarkable.
They can settle in for extraordinary compensations.
They can take home heavy pay packets.
They can arrive at sumptuous bonus and perks.
They can breathe free air ,away from the regulatory body's eyes, which keep hovering over them.
The Fed can expect many such pay backs ,in the course of next year.
The inference seems to be enigmatic.
Do the banks really have gone up the earning ladder?
Did they make so much money, in spite of the recession?
The ploy to sell securities appear to be suspicious.
Why did they not do so before accepting the bail out package ?

Many indefatigable fluctuations come to the mind.
A vivid picture has to emerge to harmonise the disquitened mind.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Forecast -Be it Weather or Stocks

An amusing remark runs around ,which interprets the predictions of the analysts as something unpredictable and not vouchsafed for.
Yes ,predictions by the foretellers are irrevocably baseless.
A few decades back, I used to follow the weather forecasts over the radio, as Televison was in its nascent stage.
The message broadcast, once informed that there would be heavy rain and strong winds for a week, as a depression had set in the pacific, and was moving at a great speed towards north.
The relay was so obviously certain that we were all expecting surplus rain , as the general condition was dry ,very much deviating from the usual tempo.
The rains did come but was in a drizzle and lay scattered over the districts. There was no sign of strong winds.
The weather forecasts are absolutely incorrect and it would be safer to count on the opposite connotations, that is, if they announce the climate would be hot and moist, then it would turn out to be cold and dry.

The stock markets als receive such kind of treatment rfom the market researchers.
If a broking firm calls for a surge of a particular stock, then we can be rest assured that the particular stock would tumble.
If the analysts give a buy significance to a specific share , then it would indicate a sell assumption.
The deep study of P/E ratio, the laborious research of technical analysis ,have proved an abject error in calculating the indices.
The valuation of the stock depends on the fund flow, profit earned ,and allocation of funds, that are reflected in the papers of the concerned company.
Well, how much can we rely on the papers, as most of them have been altered, forged and cooked up.
The regulations imposed by the government are only scratch proof. The loopholes are too many and it is a child's play to negotiate through the folds and emerge champion of the stock market.
Of late , we have the instance of the dismal hedge fund activity led by Raj Rajratnam, who minted billions , by deducing into the insider information.

As nature plays a truant in the traditional weather forecasts , the stocks jump start and startle the ongoing trade transactions.
It is beteer we go by our instincts than follow the measured study of the so called analysts .

Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Cadence

A fine tune,
A lovely stroke,
A beautiful portrait,
A smashing depiction,
Prove a cadence.

A best song,
A pictorial hue,
A sweet note,
An amazing rendition,
Express a cadence.

A striking rhythm,
A breathtaking beauty,
A soft music,
A benign apparition,
Endear a cadence.

A captivating splendour,
A capturing frenzy,
A smooth speech,
A gorgeous adornment,
Entreat a Cadence.

A sullen radiation,
A shining intimacy,
A fascinating revelation,
A fabulous decor,
Presume a cadence.

Rhythm in music,
Kindness in talk,
Truth in action,
Straight in assumption,
Foretell a sombre cadence

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fat Cat Bankers.

Obama has vehemently opposed the bonus distribued to the chief executive officers of banks.
His cry, that he has been elected to serve the people not the highly paid bankers, is a bolt from the blue.
When the stimulage package is on , and when the economy is staggering to turn its wheels in the right direction, this intrusion in goading bankers seems to be atrocious and insensible.
The country is in need for reforms , and has to jump start the economy. Instead a handsome pay out to the banking experts is truly anarchaic and ridiculous.This unwarranted act would break the economy and \snap it into two

Obama has seen the truth . He has come out of the coveted status and has realised the ingenuity of the nation. The longing for turnaround, the desire to cope up with any determintal incongruities, and the passion to work for the uplift of the downtrodden, have assumed the primary momentum in the Presidential agenda.

The fat cat bankers of Obama have ruined the nation, robbed off its finances. To adorn their credibility they need an impetus in the form of bonus for launching a disastarous schedule in the mortgage market, and initiating the closure of nearly 100 banks.
It is but natural to get infuriated by the audacious overtures of these officials.
Obama has rightfully voiced his displeasure and discontent in full vigour ,mincing no feelings.
