
Sunday, June 15, 2008

Enterprising Mr. Chong

A trip to cameron Highlands ,this weekend,was an eye opener.I chanced to meet a chinese entrpenur.He is into flower exports.He has a patented a particular green tulip like flower in Holland.His 6 acre flower garden is bubbling with activity. It is mini Asia, as people from Bangladesh ,Nepal.India,and Indonesia are working. This man ,let we call him as MR .Chong,employs 60 workers.Right from seedlings,transplanting,rearing ,manuring,irrgation,sizing,packing are done under his meticulous care. The packed flowers,find market in Japan ,Australiaand Hongkong.The flowers are a feast to the eyes. The man is an embodiment of hard work Mr Chong ,is humility and success put to together.-a rare combination.

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