
Monday, June 30, 2008

Intrigued Investor

Investing in what when inflation is running crazy.
Stocks ,commodities,real estate.
Which is better?
What is the best?
Investors are scratching the head,
Stocks have lost their glitter. Wall street, Shanghai and Mumbai are very weak.
Commodities find a safe niche,and probably the best bet.
It also has its shortcomings.
Today gold is trading at 930$,in March it was 1013$,last week it was 880$.
The difference is too high.An average investor finds it hard to combat.
Land is a good buy.
It has become too expensive
Development land is beyond the reach of the common man.
Building costs have escalated in geometrical progressions.
Agriculture land is affordable.
The returns they fetch is not encouraging.
Liquid cash is secure.
It has to dance to the whims and fancies of the ever changing dollar.
Have a smattering of all in your basket of investment, dear investor.
Success is yours.

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