
Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Tug Of War In The Business.

The father and son conflicts have destroyed  the business. The siblings difference have also spoilt the business.
A flourishing business was robbed of its thrive by the brothers competition.One wanted to expand, the other  wished to remain modest, while the third was no interested in any and finally the fourth liked to get away from the business and start his own, The four attitudes that we see now could never hold the business together. A balance should be there and if it is not possible better go individual.

As things happened the business was held together each one pulling the strings, The expansion went ahead. The capital was not there and the finances saw a crunch. The one who said let us be as we are now coming in and shouts at the brother who expanded. The third one who is disinterested totally remains the same even now. The fourth takes up the cudgels and says with proof that he wants to go separately.

Well, this being the situation, how could the business be run. They end up by dividing the company into four. The fourth one is the happiest. his case is now won. he moves away. The third one keeps the share intact. The second one invests in another business and works with caution. The first one goes into an  investment spree Whether he won or lost is another question, but the business of the family concluded with a division.
So far  so good.

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